Saturday, August 18, 2007

The heat wave is finally broken...

OK, so it was over 100º for 8-9 days straight. In fact, there were a couple of days where it was as high as 108º. What is up with that? What did we do to deserve Satan's playground? I hate this place! The only solace I take from this is that up in Indiana (my future home), it was running in the mid 90's at the same, although it wasn't as hot as it was here, it was still HOT. We missed the 100 mark today by just a couple of degrees, and tomorrow, it's supposed to be just a couple of degrees below that. It's about damn TIME! The air conditioner has been running 22+ hours a day just trying to keep up with this heat, and I know Entergy is going to LOVE me come the end of the month. Bastards.

OK, so that's all I want to talk about now. There are some really serious matters taking place right now, but I'm not at liberty to discuss them. Perhaps I will discuss them after everything has 'settled down'. OK? OK! Until next time...

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