Although today is officially a "holiday", I had to do something this morning that anyone with a soul would never enjoy. Our dog, Amore, left us this morning just a few minutes before 7:00am. Her departure was very unexpected and traumatic, and I can't begin to describe the empty space her absence has left. She did have the life of a king the last couple of years, spending 20 hours a day sleeping, mixed with 3-4 hours of scratching and petting, with a meal or two thrown in for good measure. It's been a long time since I've lost a pet, and now I remember why--I'm not good with the empty space left afterwards.
I'm very fortunate in that I took these pictures just three days ago, not having a clue of what was to come. She is in her "natural" state--on the couch like she's the queen of the world. It hurts, and I don't care who knows. I just want to sit here and wait for it to stop hurting so much. Goodbye, were truly the best dog a person could ask for.

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