Friday, February 25, 2005

Birthdays and born losers

It's a very busy week in the household. My daughter's birthday was this past Wednesday--she's 12 now! Then, my stepmom's birthday was Thursday. I finally acknowledged her birthday for the first time, and it oddly enough made me feel quite good. This new job has taken SO much stress off of me that I'm actually able to concentrate on loved ones. It's just GREAT!

OK, so tonight, my son is having his little birthday gathering at the ex-monster's house. His birthday is tomorrow, and he turns 15. ACK! I'm not old enough to have a 15 year old child! And Sunday holds a day of its very own--to be detailed sometime tomorrow.

I get information about my ex's latest attempt to yet again rape my checkbook this past week, and all I can do is laugh. What the hell goes through some people's minds? Ever hear about that sleeping dog? You really should have left him alone. But, since I'm awake, I may as well occupy myself...and occupy myself, I will. Listen carefully to what I say. You won't know when, you won't know where...but either way, you'll know. Any questions?

Until next time...

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