Monday, September 01, 2008


OK, so Sarah Palin's 17-year-old daughter is pregnant. Big deal, right? Why is it that everyone and their dog can have babies, but when Bristol Palin gets knocked up, it's news? Yes, it's probably not the best plan, but people have survived worse. I am voting for McCain--more so now because of his pick for VP. Sarah Palin is a firecracker and has the cajones to kick some ass and take some names.

My hat is off, however, to the one person I thought I would never tip my hat to--Barack Obama. He has instated a "hands off" policy about Bristol Palin's pregnancy, and that is a HUGE kudos for him. I don't like his ideas and I'm not voting for him, but I'll be damned if that wasn't just the absolute right thing to do. His words were (paraphrasing), "Families are off limits, and anyone breaching that policy will be fired." Bravo, Obama...but I'm still not voting for you! :-)

OK, that's all for now. We're going to sit here and watch Gustav come rolling in and enjoy a little excess rainfall. Until next time...

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