Saturday, February 02, 2008

The long, cold winter

OK, so I just realized that it's been two months since my last post. I have been extremely busy with life in general, so I have an excuse! Not that anyone ever reads these things...but I'll go on just because I've got a few minutes.

The holidays went very well, all things considered. We had Christmas with the in-laws, then another Christmas with the other in-laws, then Christmas with my family here, then Christmas with my family in Indiana. If I were to step out on to the 'sappy log', I would say I have been truly blessed with a large family. I even like most of them! I also had my first Amtrak experience, and that alone is worth an entire blog entry! Here's the Reader's Digest version...

We left Christmas night from Little Rock--around midnight. We boarded the train in the cold and dark and settled into our seats. Once the train began moving (4 minute stop), I began to explore the train. I had read on the Amtrak website that there would be food available, as well as a lounge car. Well, there was neither. The lounge had been closed since 7:00pm because they didn't have enough staff, and the dining car only had a 30 minute window of time in which to feed the entire train. What the hell is that? Oh, and to top it all off, we had the rudest conductors known to man. They had no information, and they were about as pleasant as a case of hemorrhoids.

The ride from Little Rock to Chicago was 14 hours by the schedule; however, due to delay after delay after delay, it took over 17 hours. We were supposed to have a 3+ hour layover in Chicago, but as it turned out, we barely made our connection. The connecting train was a bit more simple; there was no dining car or lounge car, which was fine. The ride was only about 3 hours long, so who had time for all that? We arrived at our destination, only to be met by 35º temperatures and an icy rain. What a ride!

The return trip--well, it was like night and day as compared to the trip north. Our train was still delayed, but the conductors kept us posted every step of the way. They were pleasant, and smiled every time they passed by. The dining car actually scheduled seatings for diners, and the lounge car was open for business (BONUS!). So we rode in luxury, enjoying internet via Sprint phone connection, beer via the lounge car, and a hot meal via the dining car. The only part I hated was that we were leaving behind nearly a foot of new-fallen snow. The scenery was like something out of a Norman Rockwell painting. Regretfully, I came back to a place where snow is about as common as a third thumb. I hate Arkansas.

Since then, it's been work--work--work. I have had an extremely busy January, so much so that I didn't even realize that January was over until this morning. It's already Groundhog Day! And the prediction is in--Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow! Six more weeks of winter. YES! Then again, we're in Arkansas. That means shit here. It was over 70º just 5 days ago, and the predicted high on Monday is over 70º once again. Bleh. I hate this place. Did I already mention that?

So, life moves on at a very rapid pace. The school year will be over in just a few weeks, and another god-awful HOT summer in Arkansas will follow. I can't get my ass moved to Indiana fast enough. My daughter is finally turning her grades around in school, and seems to be making the adjustment from Billy Bob's School of Redneck in Greenbrier. She takes all advanced placement (AP) classes, and she's doing well. Granted, she's no Yale scholar, but she's doing well enough to earn herself a place in a college somewhere when the time comes. Bradley is...well, he's just Brad. What can you say about him? He's about to graduate from UCA and is considering a Master's degree. He hates school, yet he is choosing to continue the torture. I know not what the future holds for him, but with his motivation and intelligence, it shouldn't be too hard for him. He's a good kid...he's just a damn knucklehead!

That's about it for now. The Super Bowl is tomorrow--whoopty-fuckin-do. The Patriots will likely finish their season undefeated at 19-0*. What's the * for, you ask? The cheating, lying and deceit that has plagued the Pats for this season (and rightfully so) will forever leave a scar on what will most likely be the second 'perfect' season in the history of the NFL. Bill Belichick is an asshole. Tom Brady is a self-centered ass clown. The Patriots aren't "the best team ever", as ESPN so proudly stated. They're just lucky. That's all. Super Bowl victory or not, they still suck.

I'm outta here. Until next time...

1 comment:

even steven said...

as a pats fan--dammit i agree belichick's ego is his undoing, he will meltdown and brady is no where near manning. brady and belichick are phonies. belichick belieives the headline s about himself and brady wants to be a rock star not a football player...

the pats suck, brady sucks and belichick is passe